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Work With Us

Jeff + Stacey are available for Farm + Vegetable Garden consulting as well as speaking + writing opportunities.


Vegetable Garden Consulting

Looking to start a garden but don't know where to start?

Farmer Stacey has been a certified Master Organic Gardener since 2008. An experienced educator, she brings 20 years of growing experience + a refreshing, practical approach to gardening.

From basic layouts to planning what + how to grow, Stacey can help.

Speaking & Writing

Jeff + Stacey are both available to speak to community groups, on podcasts or at conferences on small-scale agriculture, marketing a small farm + broader food-systems topics.

Stacey writes about the intersection of food, sustainability, culture + social activism.

She is available for blog guest posts as well as print publications.

Farm Consulting

Dream of starting a small farm for extra income or a hobby farm for your family's food security?

Farmer Jeff is available to share decades of farming, construction + project management experience.

From choosing the right animals to the layout of your farmstead, Jeff can help.

introducing farmer stacey's passion project :

Slow Folk

Slow Business Mentorship + Education for Rebellious Entrepreneurs + Creatives

welcome to

The Unbusy Revolution

You have just one wild and precious life.

Are you spending yours drowning in a sea of overwhelm, non-essential tasks, self-doubt and mindless, numbing busyness?

Is your gift - the one you are meant to share with the world - gathering dust on a shelf?

It's time to claim your calling.

it's time to finally

Build a Life, and a Living, You Actually LOVE.

Some years ago, I realized I was doing business differently - often in ways that flew in the face of what I learned at school.

I was intuitively applying my Slow Living values to my business - and it worked.

Now I'm on a mission to help other women claim their calling and build businesses of purpose, passion and profit - without sacrificing their hearts on the altar of hustle culture.

If you're an entrepreneur or creative with a dream on your heart and are ready to bring your vision to life in a way that feels aligned with your broader values - let's chat.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
