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Coghlan Cottage Farm

Real Food, Real People

Join the Real Food Revolution.

Farmer Stacey's

Field Notes

Letters from life in the Slow Lane.

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Grass-Fed Meat & Pastured Eggs

Free-Range, Pastured Eggs, Heritage Breed Pork & Grass-Feed Beef

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Little Luxuries

Cultivate small moments of joy in an uncertain world with our handmade soap and candles.

Welcome to the Real Food Revolution

Finding real food for your family shouldn't be so dang hard, am I right??

In a world of fake franken-foods, we're here to give y'all honest-to-goodness REAL food.

No attitude. No fuss. No food-like substances with ingredient lists as long as your arm.

Just good, clean food - raised right. By people. For people.

Have been a loyal customer for years because of the great service. Happy, healthy chickens equals wonderful fresh eggs.
I, for one, am overjoyed to be connected to a farm that not only holds ethical, responsible, and sustainable farming practices but ALSO holds amazing, inclusive, ecologically-responsible, community minded values as well.
I love your messages which are as nourishing and satisfying as the food you provide.
when we say

Free Range, We Mean FREE Range

(free range farmkids not included)

Shake the hand that feeds you -

Meet Your Farmers


We're the Langford family. It takes all four of us as a team to put dinner on your table.

But believe it or not, meat and eggs are secondary to our primary purpose here on the farm.

What we are REALLY here to cultivate is community and real human connection in a world that desperately needs both.

Our purpose is our people.

blog post frivolous joy + contrarian sanity

Frivolous Joy + Contrarian Sanity

Spent this morning laying irrigation and planting about a million dahlias.

With all there is to do with the store build and just general life, planting so many flowers feels like a luxury. But as I prepped the beds before my kids woke for school, in the cool and quiet of dawn, I wondered - is it

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do it afraid blog post stacey langford coghlan cottage farm

Do It Afraid

The last few weeks have been a blur of birthing babies of the four legged persuasion and running my two legged babes hither and yon, game to practice, practice to game and game and game again.

In between I've been spec'ing lighting fixtures, trolling antique markets, labouring over the new website, sourcing products and agonizing over paint colours.

I'm exhausted. I am also absolutely exhilarated.

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a creative life | field notes blog stacey langford coghlan cottage farm

A Creative Life

Found myself daydreaming this morning when I was supposed to be working, drinking in the quiet with my coffee.

Instead of writing, I watched two crows dutifully go about their work as they gathered nesting materials in the rain.

I've been reading a lot about creativity lately. I've been struck by how broad the definition has become for me as I've grown older.

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