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Forage Handmade Lard Soap


Forage Bar Soap

Gently scented with citrus + cedar. Bright, green + earthy.

Product Details

Simplicity first.

Our soap won't claim to replace botox, bring you closer to your fav celeb or otherwise create earth-shaking change in your life.

It's just soap, people.

But ya know what? It's dang good soap (if we do say so ourselves). 

So no splashy promises, expensive packaging or outrageous claims.

It smells fan-frickin-tastic, won't harm the earth and makes your skin feel great.

We think that's more than enough.

More joy, less waste.

Our soap features our very own pastured lard from our chubby piggies.

Their copious fat is more than most folks can eat, so instead of chucking it we turn it into these beautiful bars of soap. 

  • Size : approximately 127 g
  • Made with farm fresh lard, olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, essential oils + natural botanicals
Pickup Info

Currently our pickup hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 1 to 5 pm.

Pickup is at the Farm, located at 6238 256 ST, Langley.

Shipping is available within Canada and the continental USA.

Flat-rate shipping $15 CAD

more joy, less waste

Handmade Bar Soap

I'm an accidental soap maker. Accidental LOT of things, actually, but that's another story.

( What can I say, we believe in serendipity round here and so far she hasn't steered me wrong. )

Not long into our farming adventure, we realized that raising rare breed pigs, with all their luscious fat meant that, well . . . we had a LOT of fat on our hands. Too much. More than we could ever hope to eat.

The former vegetarian in me simply couldn't stand to chuck it out.

Instead, with a little research and a chat with Gramma Smith (an honest to goodness farm-girl with spectacularly soft skin) I learned that lard - having a similar fatty acid profile as our skin - makes pretty dang good soap.

Bonus points? Using lard means we don't have to use Palm Oil, which is a common ingredient in even the most expensive handmade soaps - and a leading cause of deforestation of endangered Orangutan habitat.

Soft skin, reduce food waste, save Orangutans . . . win - win - WIN!