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Coghlan Cottage Farm Langley BC

Celebrating 10 Years on the Farm

Hard to believe, but tomorrow it will be 10 years since we got the keys to the farm. What a crazy 10 years it has been.

We've watched our children grow from half-naked, semi-feral terrors of knotted hair in gumboots to confidant young farmers in their own right.

Acres and acres of brambles have transformed into working, productive fields.

Our Farm Family has blossomed from the odd customer here and there to nearly 1500 families, a handful of restaurants and a butcher shop strong.

We are so, so grateful.

I never in a million years would have guessed this would become my life's work.

It's been such a humbling reminder of how important it is to trust our journey, to know that no matter how meandering the path - we are, each of us, exactly where we are meant to be.

The farm has been a stern teacher, and also a compassionate one, offering healing and heartbreak in equal measure.

She has broken me open and brought me to my knees - with both joy and pain, sometimes in the same moment. Even now, 10 years in, the sight of a garter snake dashing among the broccoli is enough to bring me to tears.

There are no commendations in this work, no employee of the month with its gleaming plaque in the lunchroom.

There are only quiet moments of knowing - like the snake in the garden, or the honeybees making their home in the standing dead wood - pronouncing quietly; hang in there, you are on the right track.

Every year of my hands in the soil I have learned more, and known less.

The unknowing now is what interests me the most; the ineffable miracle and mystery that unfolds, season after season, despite us, despite everything.

How grateful I am to have the luxury of rootedness in a world that worships mobility. We live in stormy times, and my deep roots, in this place and with all of you - give me strength.

For that I will forever be grateful.

As always.


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