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Field Notes

Letters from life in the slow lane.

Farmer Stacey's Field Notes / The Fresh Sheet

blog post frivolous joy + contrarian sanity

Frivolous Joy + Contrarian Sanity

Spent this morning laying irrigation and planting about a million dahlias.

With all there is to do with the store build and just general life, planting so many flowers feels like a luxury. But as I prepped the beds before my kids woke for school, in the cool and quiet of dawn, I wondered - is it

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do it afraid blog post stacey langford coghlan cottage farm

Do It Afraid

The last few weeks have been a blur of birthing babies of the four legged persuasion and running my two legged babes hither and yon, game to practice, practice to game and game and game again.

In between I've been spec'ing lighting fixtures, trolling antique markets, labouring over the new website, sourcing products and agonizing over paint colours.

I'm exhausted. I am also absolutely exhilarated.

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a creative life | field notes blog stacey langford coghlan cottage farm

A Creative Life

Found myself daydreaming this morning when I was supposed to be working, drinking in the quiet with my coffee.

Instead of writing, I watched two crows dutifully go about their work as they gathered nesting materials in the rain.

I've been reading a lot about creativity lately. I've been struck by how broad the definition has become for me as I've grown older.

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discomfort and the inbetween liminal spaces Field Notes Blog by Farmer Stacey Langford Coghlan Cottage Farm

Dis/Comfort & The Inbetween

As I sit down to write today, I'm kept company by a little ladybug on my keyboard, one of many busy in my old window frame - a loveliness of ladybirds. They're always here at this time of year - that space between sleep and the waking of spring.

I've found myself unable to write write of late.

Together with the ladybirds it's had me thinking about the power of liminal spaces and how reluctant we often are to both embrace and honour them.

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reclaiming joy self care and creativity audacious self love Farmer Stacey's Field Notes Blog

Full Circle

Since I turned 40, I have committed myself to reclaiming my joy and my personhood - separate and apart from the joy of others and all those labels we collect as we grow older; some badges of honour, some burrs.

In that spirit, a while ago I did something I don't do often - I spent good money on myself for something strictly rooted in JOY.

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It's Happening!!

It's happening!! It's really, finally, honest-to-goodness HAPPENING!

Those of you who've been with me for a while know that I've been talking about getting the heck off the dang porch fooooor-eva.

Today, after years of talkin' (and grumbling) about it . . . we are pouring concrete for the foundation of a brick-and-mortar STORE.

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courage soil and a case for unrealistic hope farmland preservation activism protect our farmland

Courage, Soil + A Case for Unrealistic Hope

So I did a thing last week.

My introverted, shy self got up (without notes or preplanning or even knowing I was gonna do it beforehand) in front of 300+ strangers and a panel from the Agricultural Land Commission to speak in defence of soil.

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heirloom tomato seedlings for sale vancouver bc

Back to Reality

Whelp, that's it for sleeping in, enjoying bevvies with your breakfast and living in pjs 24/7. It was fun while it lasted.

And just like that, I've got seeds and plant starts to think about. (Even though I'm not done canning the tomatoes from last year - whoops.)

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coghlan cottage farm langley bc farm fresh eggs + grass fed beef + berkshire pork

Final Fresh Sheet of 2022

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you for another great year.

We just sell meat and eggs here. We aren't solving world hunger or I don't know what else . . .

But I feel like especially over these past few years now, we've done important work together.

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reframing priorities during the holidays towards ease and joy

Happy Christmas

Speaking of shifting priorities during the holidays - After my 'you don't have to do all the things' email, I got a great nugget of wisdom from one of our Farm Family, Marian (love you!).

She broke my mind a bit when she pointed out that doing NONE of the things is an option, too.

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You Don't Have to Do It All.

Well, are you ready?? We are about to launch into the chaos that is the height of the holiday season.

From one (slightly frazzled) human to another, I just want to say - This holiday season, you don't have to do all the things.

No, really.

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What Doesn't Bend, Breaks

The end of November is upon us. How did that happen?? I still haven't canned all the tomatoes I jammed in my freezer in a panic in September!

It's snowing on the farm as I write this, and as difficult as snow makes farming, it also comes as a relief. Once the snow flies, there are so many tasks that simply get crossed off the list and assigned to a new column under 'next year'. Thank goodness.

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