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Tomato Chaos Meets Slow Living

It is May 3 and I just lit a fire. Seriously. WTH.

The fields are still soggy and the garden too wet to work properly, but I'm trying to find silver linings and remember that our reservoirs are filling up during all this miserable rain, and we'll be grateful for that come August.

Sooo, you might've noticed - my house is full-to-bursting with literally hundreds and hundreds of tomato, pepper and squash seedlings.

This time of year is a bit chaotic, but so, so joyful.

Weirdly, this season of chaos always gets me thinking about Slow Living. I've been reflecting on how so many of us confuse slowness with moving at a snail's pace all the time and therefore dismiss it out-of-hand.

Despite the apparent outward chaos of exuberant, abundant life filling every flat surface of my tiny home - this season for me is the epitome of the core values of the Slow Movement.

The Slow Movement is about 'Le Tempo Giusto' - finding the proper pace for your life and the season you find yourself in. That looks different for each of us, and shifts from season to season, chapter to chapter.

It is about leaning fully into the moment you find yourself in - rather than trying to do things as fast as possible, doing them as WELL as possible. To be present and alive to your own life and life around you - even if (especially if) it's a bit (or a lot) messy.

When we view Slow Living this way we find it's no longer somewhere we need to 'get to' or 'accomplish' or a goal that we might fail at.

It simply becomes a TOOL - one that allows us to wring every lap drop of joy and pleasure and even grief and pain out of the moment we're in so that we can appreciate each moment fully and be ready to let go when it is time for that moment to end.

If you're curious about Slowness or just want to get another slice of my writing on your own time, feel free to join me on my blog, Simplicity From Scratch.

I'll be sending out a link shortly to a page with all the varieties of seedlings we'll have on hand along with pics and descriptions. Stay tuned!

As always.



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